-Trophy Room- Hey you there- what are you doing? You’ve got so much worth and so much time why are you waiting? And what- what are you doing? Why are you sitting stewing when you could be out there living? Hey brother - you’re busy wasting. Your entire life was thrown away on little nothings. What have you done with your life until the present? Have you seen? It took you know where further on but still it was your precious little dream. Hey buddy - you’re busy draining. You sit alone at home in darkened rooms filled with your past obsessions. And you- you sit squinting from the shred of light that shines to show your lack of talent. Alone now you’re nothing you sit still just breathing, but something is watching, it’s giving you reason to think there are horrors in shadows and corners. You’re watching the borders: they’re breaking, they’re failing. Each second keeps ticking. The pendulum swinging. The fear that is building, you’re darting you’re freaking. Now sweating, you panic. Inaudible static. Reality hazy, you’re finally crazy NOW! You’ve got nothing left of your dreams and what will you do now? So what have you got now? So what have you got? Hey Fuck - you got nothing. No luck - or ambition. No social security or single amenity. You were the social scene but now they’ve left you do be. Hey brother - you’re wasting. You’ve got no more further means to live, you better think quick. What will you do and where will you go to make it? Either act right now or lose it. Just make a decision.